Prof. Feigl erklärt Trigeminusneuralgie

Frequently Asked Questions

Patients with statutory health insurance must present a referral from a general practitioner or specialist issued in the current quarter. Private patients do not need a referral, although as a general rule you will also be referred by general practitioners for certain examinations.

Please bring your insurance card with you so that your data can be recorded without errors. Very important for your treatment are preliminary findings and letters from your doctors as well as X-ray, MRI or CT images in the original or on CD-ROM not older than 3 months. This often saves you the need for a new X-ray diagnosis. Please do not bring any paper images with you, as these are not always assessable. If you are taking medication, it is very important to also bring us an up-to-date medication regimen. If you are taking blood-thinning medications, please tell us the name of the medication or bring it with you to the consultation. If you have recently had a blood sample taken, please also bring these results with you to the examination. If you are unsure, please ask when you make your appointment and we will be happy to help you.

In order to find the cause of your health problems, a detailed consultation between doctor and patient as well as a careful diagnosis are most important. That is why we are happy to take the time to inform our patients thoroughly and to show you the path that is best for you personally. The duration of the appointment depends on availability and completion of documents as well as findings. If head or spine imagery in our MRI or CT is necessary, we ideally coordinate this with your outpatient appointment, so that the duration of your stay is kept to a minimum.

Of course, we try to keep appointments to the best of our ability. However, since we want to provide each patient with the best possible care and because examination and consultation with the physician may take a little longer (due to the often difficult illnesses and injuries), delays sometimes occur despite the best scheduling. In addition, unforeseeable emergencies can always happen in a hospital. We therefore ask for your understanding.

You will undergo surgery in the Clinic for Neurosurgery at the Bamberg Clinic (Klinikum am Bruderwald). Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art instruments and medical devices and offers an experienced and well-coordinated team for your care. Surgical interventions are performed in a particularly body-friendly manner. This means that wherever possible, we use endoscopic or minimally invasive methods.

You are by no means “bound to anything”. It is very important to create a basis of trust – especially when it comes to surgical procedure. Prof. Dr. Feigl will discuss your medical findings with you and advise you without obligation what is best for you as a patient. You will then decide for yourself whether, when and where you might undergo surgery.

Of course, you can obtain a second or third opinion here with us. Every patient has the right to a second opinion and should make use of this, especially in cases of complex injuries or long-lasting complaints.